Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

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Author:  Jennifer Hodges [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Homosexuality

For everyone who was not in class today...Erin read a story called And Tango Makes Three about two homosexual penguins who were given an egg to hatch. They hatched the baby, Tango, and cared for it as parents. The discussion began about whether or not we would read this book (or one like it) in our classrooms. How would we preface it or use it to start discussion? We talked about how it would be helpful in a "family" unit to make students who have homosexual parents feel included. We also struggled with the idea that a story like this might promote homosexuality to young students, and then that led into a discussion about not tolerating disrespectful actions in our classrooms, but definitely allowing students to hold varying opinions. What is the parent's role in this situation of forming their child's beliefs? etc. We went on many tangents along the way, but this is basically what we discussed. So, what are your thoughts and opinions on this issue (any part of it)? Have a wonderful break everybody!

Author:  Kelsey McGraw [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:52 pm ]
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I am really glad that this was brought up in class and on the forum. I think that it is very important to expose children to many different ideas and not have a "cookie cutter" image that is the "right" way. However, I do understand that many parents will not be happy with their children learning about some controversial things such as homosexuality. I think that when doing a unit on families that it is very important to include every type of family, especially every type of family that is present in your classroom. If you don't talk about a student's family type in the family unit there is a good chance that they will feel like their family is wrong and could cause emotional problems. I think that it is crucial to send home some kind of notification that will inform the parents about what you are teaching and when you are teaching it so they can prepare their child with what information they want to or make arrangements for their child to not be their during that lesson. I think the most important part of this as a teacher is to not give a wrong or right side to any family types or sexual preferences and to just present the information on it so the students can understand it better.

Author:  NikkiTester [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:30 am ]
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I think that there is a huge difference between presenting information and promoting homosexuality. I agree with Kelsey and think that we should honor all family types in our classroom.

Author:  Dana Currin [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:49 am ]
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I agree with Kelsey and Nikki's comments above. There is definitely a difference in simply presenting information and promoting things, such as homosexuality. I feel that it would be very important to introduce your students to the idea that there is not just one type of family, that actually there are many different types. Not just homosexual families, but even families like "just a mom" or "just a dad". If you don't have the time to introduce every type of family, it would be essential to at least go over all of the types of families that you have in your classroom. If children aren't introduced to this early they, just as I did growing up, will not really know or understand that their are other types of families. So basically, I think that a book like this or similar to this would be a good idea to use, in a smart manner, in the classroom.

Author:  Kollin Kalk [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:57 pm ]
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I disagree with what the couple previous posters have said. I for one do not think (my own opinion) that there is a "huge difference" between presenting information and promoting homosexuality, especially for an age group as impressionable as this. To present it to children in an "unbiased" manner would be the same as promoting it. If you can't say its wrong then in essence you are saying is that it is okay. Its absurd to think you can take such a controversial charged topic as this, that deals with the very question of people's morality of what is right and what is wrong, and turn it into a presentation for young children that in now way it endorses the information it is showing. What happens when the little tykes start asking you all these questions? Children+curiosity= questions.

According to what has already been said by the previous posters, teaching a topic like this would necessitate that the teacher choose a pro stance on homosexuality in order that they do not single out or offend one of their students that may belong to such a family. So however nice or unbiased you explain to this age group of children, behind it resonates a bias in favor of homosexuality. In an older age group however, say high school, I do believe that this could be a worthwhile subject to teach.

Shall we teach about polygamous relationships as well? What about swingers? I mean it gets kind of ridiculous at some point. How far do you want to take it? Information itself is not unbiased, so there is no way you can say you are going to present it and not promote something in one way or another.

Author:  Jerry Nicole Whitener [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:48 pm ]
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I think that the parents should be the ones to teach their children about said topics. BUT, as we all know that does not happen. So if children come home talking about said topics, then maybe the parents will understand that they need to teach their children. I dont think that there is anything wrong with including all types of families in this sort of discussion. We forget sometimes what it feels like to be left out, or made fun of, or what about the situation when a parent doesnt want their child to go to another childs house because the parents are homosexual. That just is not right. No matter what your stance is on the issue, all children should be given the same chance to grow, and be loved, and their parental situation shouldnt matter if they have a good home. Two moms, two dads, single family, raised in foster care, by a grandparent or who ever, Children should know that familes come in all shapes and sizes. I think that parents should be notified, and given the chance to discuss these issues with their children.

Author:  Amanda Klinger [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:41 pm ]
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I definitely agree with Nikki: There is a huge difference between teaching tolerance to our students while presenting information and PROMOTING homosexuality. If teachers were promoting everything taught in schools think about all the things we would all be doing. I mean, we teach tolerance of other religions, races, and is homosexuality any different?

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