Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

Science and Math Lectures: Dr. Jeff Goodman
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Author:  Lauren Smith [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Science and Math Lectures: Dr. Jeff Goodman

I attended Jeff Goodmans lecture on the Revolutions in Science, October 22. It was very interesting, but if you know Jeff that's not abnormal. He presented some very 'textbook' models of the revolutions. I won't bore you with all of them, but I did connect it to this class by the materail we have been doing recently.
All the revolutions came at a great cost. The idea of a heliocentric system was near heresy. It was very controversial to the time. In the 1860 there came a very familiar revolution that is still controversial; evolution.
I have been debating how I am going to approach this topic. It's something that I, as a scientist, do not agree with on the basis of lack of empirical evidence. I don't know how to teach this material in a way the will help the students gain both understanding of it's merit and faults.
I haven't come to any conclusions, but I have thought about how to handle it. I think I will teach the material as presented in the SCOS. Then I will present different arguments. This way all sides will be represented and the students can decide for themselves.

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